Exciting Collaboration Announcement: Sievert Zone Team

We are thrilled to announce our latest collaboration with the Sievert Zone team, the creative minds behind the newest map for DayZ, inspired by the iconic STALKER series. This new map perfectly complements our PVE/PVP game settings, offering an immersive and dynamic experience for all players.

To kick off this collaboration, we are launching a starting adventure based in the southern region of the new map. This allows our community to explore our gameplay loop and test out game mechanics in a more focused area before venturing into the larger map. We believe this approach will provide a better introduction to the new environment and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Please note that the Sievert Zone map is currently in a closed development phase between the Stalker Survival team and the Sievert Zone team. Therefore, there will be no public testing in the upcoming months, possibly even longer. We will prepare the adventure in our local development environment and will keep you updated on our progress.

In addition to the new map, we continue to use the DayZone map, which remains an excellent choice for our PVP-focused gameplay. Consequently, we will maintain two servers, each featuring one of these incredible maps, to cater to both PVE/PVP and PVP enthusiasts.

We are also excited to announce that an upcoming roadmap will be shared soon, providing a detailed overview of what’s ahead, including the chance for everyone to explore and experience the new map in depth. Furthermore, we are planning to implement the latest DayZone update, which is scheduled to roll out very soon. We will keep focusing on the PVP aspect that players have enjoyed from the previous stage of the StalkerZ version of the map.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to dive into new adventures with us and the Sievert Zone team!

Posted by Freeman | 06-18-2024


Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to address the community regarding the current state of our mod development. First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your continued support and patience.

As the lead developer, I have been working tirelessly on preparing and connecting all the various mods that make up our extensive system. This project is incredibly ambitious and massive in scope, requiring meticulous attention to detail to ensure that every component is perfectly integrated and fully functional.

Given the complexity and scale of our work, finding time to provide frequent updates and engage in public relations has been a challenge. My primary focus has been to make sure that everything is tied together seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and immersive experience for all players.

Please know that while updates may not be as frequent as we all would like, the work being done behind the scenes is both significant and necessary. I am committed to delivering a high-quality mod system that meets our shared vision and exceeds your expectations.

Thank you for your understanding and continued enthusiasm. Your support means the world to us, and I look forward to sharing more substantial updates with you as we progress.

Best regards,


Posted by Freeman | 06-02-2024

GUI Updates

  • UI Tweaks: Numerous tweaks and fixes have been made to the UI, including changes to new image sets from Stalker and the trader interface.
  • Custom GRID: Implementation of the new custom grid which allows a new modular way to display certain inventory, items on the grid and much more.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024


  • Product Exposure: Enhanced the trader UI with new functionalities like recalculating the cart when buying/selling
  • Refactor and Rework: The trader system has undergone a major refactor and rework to improve baseline performance and user experience
  • Backend Enhancements: Updated the trading system logic with extended DTOs, allowing products to be created in the database based on subproduct details.

Admin panel in the WEB UI

We can fully customize the trader stocks at runtime without a need for server restart. This gives us a really fast workflow to setup the proper and balanced economic on the server.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024

Core Enhancements

  • UI Menu Tweaks: We've made several adjustments to the CRDTN UI Menu, focusing on improving modding support and enhancing the user experience. This includes better inheritance structures and a more intuitive UI toggle for the CRDTN Menu.

  • UI Grid and Items: We implemented and refactored the UI Grid and items, introducing a new enum EContainerType and expanding the RestApi enum related to trading.

These all UI related changes are closely related to the new grid system for Trader and Quests.

In nutshell, the better UI framework give us more flexibility and faster workflow to implement new UI widgets and panels.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024

Emission & Anomalies

We've combined new anomaly mods with our existing system and introduced an emission mod, adding more depth and challenge to the gameplay experience. There are currently more types of anomalies with new types of the artefacts.

We still need to re-implement the logic of Artifact effects that are corresponding to our extended medical system with a lot of new post processing effects.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024


  • Code: Fixed dependencies and introduced numerous code tweaks. We've also added world addons for player registration from quests and introduced git submodules wo we can have multiple repositories and track the updates in the better way.
  • DayZ 1.25 Compatibility: Updated to ensure compatibility with DayZ 1.25, including specific fixes like the SV98 magazine removal from our older mod pack.
  • New Features: Added a controller and serialized objects on the backend to streamline operations.
  • NPCs: Adding new NPCs that can be either enemies or friendlies
  • Mutants: Completely overhauled mutants with new skeletons

Continuous development of the whole mod pack integrated to backend systems with various functionalities.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024

Overcoming Setbacks

In April, we faced a significant setback when one of our machines crashed, causing us to lose the entire website along with our Docker setup. This was a tough blow.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024


  • Workbench Adaptation: Significant changes have been made to the Quest system UI, including internal scripting part. Also item previews will be available very soon.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024


  • Entity Spawning: Tweaks have been made to the spawning of entities, including the implementation of flags during spawn.
  • UI Improvements: Icon progression for locked items and adjustments to the progression bar and slot visibility based on lock status.

Posted by Freeman | 05-28-2024


The Dawn of a New Frontier

In the crisp air of November, two visionaries, Freeman and Klean, ignited the spark of innovation. Their conversations weren't just talks; they were the foundation of a groundbreaking project - merging the enigmatic world of Stalker with the robust DayZ engine to craft an unparalleled multiplayer saga.

November | 2023
Crafting the Economy, Facing the Storm

As winter's chill set in, our team was ablaze with activity, engineering a sophisticated trading system at the project's heart. The development of essential server mods was underway, a testament to our commitment to reimagine the survival experience. However, fate threw us a curveball - an unexpected update from DayZone that brought our server to a halt, challenging us to rethink and adapt.

December | 2023
The Phoenix Rises

With the new year came a renewed spirit. Our team dove deep into the development forge, breathing life into innovative features and refining our mods. It was a time of transformation, where every line of code was a step towards redefining the mechanics of survival.

January | 2024
Building the Backbone

February's focus was on the unseen, yet crucial aspects of our project. We embarked on the meticulous task of crafting the website and backend systems, ensuring a seamless integration with the DayZ server mods. Our dedication was to a smooth, immersive player experience, both in-game and out.

February | 2024
The Prelude to Adventure

As spring whispered promises of renewal, we stood at the threshold of our Pre-Alpha Test session. The team was in high gear, setting up mods and basic mechanics, laying down the gauntlet for our first wave of intrepid testers. This was more than a test; it was the first chapter of an epic saga.

March | 2024